Legal Notice

Welcome to Cabana Libre. Here the rules or "Terms" that govern the use of the website Cabana Libre ("Site") are laid out. By using or visiting the Site, you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms and undertake to fulfil and comply with all laws and regulations established by the Web. Asoc Cabana Libre. reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time, effective immediately upon posting on the Site. We invite you to visit this website periodically. If you violate these Terms of Use, Cabana Libre may terminate your use of the Site, prevent use in the future, cancel your ticket order, and/or initiate appropriate legal proceedings against you.

Permitted use

You agree that you are only authorized to visit, view and to retain a copy of pages of this website for personal use, and that you will not duplicate, download, publish, modify or otherwise distribute material from this site for any purpose not is the consulting and promotional information on shows, for personal use, or to purchase tickets or promotional items for personal use, unless Cabana Libre expressly authorizes any other use to you. The content and software on this site is owned by Cabana Libre and/or its suppliers and is protected by the Spanish, US and international copyright laws.

Legal notices

Cabana Libre does not promise that the Site will be error-free, uninterrupted, nor that it will provide specific results from use of the Site or any Content, search or link on it. The Site and its Content are delivered on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. Cabana Libre cannot ensure that files you download from the Site will be free of viruses or contamination or destructive features. Cabana Libre disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including also any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Cabana Libre will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this Site, including without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, and punitive and consequential damages.

Cabana Libre disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third party users, Cabana Libre users, advertisers and/or sponsors on the Site, in connection with the Cabana Libre service or otherwise related to your use of the Site and/or the Cabana Libre service. Without limiting the foregoing, you may report the misconduct of users and/or third party advertisers, service and/or product providers referenced on or included in the Site to Cabana Libre emailing us at Cabana Libre may investigate the claim and take appropriate action, in its sole discretion.

Trade marks

Cabana Libre's trade marks may be used publicly only with the written permission of Cabana Libre.

Ownership of materials

Cabana Libre's materials may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without Cabana Libre's written permission. Except as expressly stated in the limited licence provision of these terms and conditions, Cabana Libre does not grant any express or implied right to you under any of its trade marks, copyrights or other proprietary information.

There shall be absolutely no reproducing, distributing, communicating to the public, altering, making available and, in general, any other act whatsoever involving the public exploitation of both the Site pages and their content and information, without Cabana Libre's prior, express consent. Consequently, all the content displayed on the various websites and, in particular, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trade marks, industrial drawings or any other signs suitable for use in industry and business may be subject to the intellectual property rights of Cabana Libre or of third-party holders who have duly authorized their inclusion on the various websites.

The content, images, designs, opinions, tables and other formal expressions that are part of the Site pages, and the software required for those pages to work and be viewed, may also a work within the meaning of copyright laws and are therefore protected by applicable international and national copyright conventions and laws. The infringement of any of the foregoing shall result in the commission of serious offenses and their punishment under civil and criminal laws.

The users of services or content shall refrain from any act which may involve the exploitation or take commercial advantage, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, of any content, images, designs, tables and other formal expressions that are part of the Site pages without Cabana Libre's prior, written consent.

In particular, the prohibited acts shall include, but not be limited to, reproducing, distributing, displaying, communicating, transmitting, disclosing in any way, storing in hard or soft copies, digitizing or making available from databases other than those belonging to or authorized by Cabana Libre, and translating, adapting, arranging or otherwise altering those opinions, images, designs, tables and other formal expressions made available to users through the services or content, to the extent that any such acts are subject to the applicable intellectual property or image protection laws.

Cabana Libre shall be free to restrict access to the Site pages and to the goods and/or services therein offered, and consequently the posting of any opinions, observations, images or comments submitted by users by email.

Cabana Libre may in this connection, notwithstanding the users' sole and exclusively liability, establish the necessary filters where that is deemed appropriate to prevent its Site pages from being used to post online content or opinions that are considered racist, xenophobic, discriminatory, pornographic, libelous or otherwise advocating violence or the dissemination of clearly unlawful or harmful content.

Users submitting observations, opinions or comments to the Cabana Libre Site pages, for the attention of its suggestions department, using the service made available to them or by email, shall, failing a clear and unambiguous statement to the contrary, where the nature of the services or content so allows, be taken to have consented to Cabana Libre reproducing, distributing, displaying, communicating, transmitting, disclosing in any way, storing in hard or soft copies, digitizing or making available from databases belonging to Cabana Libre, translating, adapting, arranging or otherwise altering those observations, opinions or comments, throughout the copyright protection period provided for by law.

In addition, the understanding is that the aforementioned consent is given for free and that merely by submitting any such observations, opinions or comments using the means made available by Cabana Libre or by email, the users waive any claim for remuneration from Cabana Libre.

In accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Cabana Libre shall be similarly authorized to modify or alter any such observations, opinions or comments in order to make them conform to the Site page editing needs, but there shall be no construing that this shall howsoever harm any moral rights of the users under copyright laws.

No engineering, logical or technological devices whatsoever may be used allowing a third party to benefit, directly or indirectly, for a profit or otherwise, from each and every content, design, table and other formal expression that are part of the Site pages, or from the effort carried out by Cabana Libre for the same to be run.

Cabana Libre shall accept no liability whatsoever for any consequences of the aforementioned conducts and actions, and shall similarly accept no liability whatsoever for any third-party content, services, goods, etc. accessible directly or through banners, cross-references, links, hyperlinks, framing or the like from the Cabana Libre websites. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Cabana Libre shall use its best efforts to prevent any such issues and act with all due care to eliminate or block any link or reference to any activity or information that is unlawful or likely to harm third-party assets or rights, forthwith upon actually learning of the same.

The ownership and management of and it’s sub pages (e.g. is Cabana Libre's responsibility. No material from this Site or any other site owned, managed, licensed to or controlled by Cabana Libre may be copied, reproduced, republished, loaded or posted online, or howsoever communicated or distributed, except that a single copy of the materials may be downloaded onto a single computer for domestic, personal and non-commercial use only, provided that any copyright and proprietary notices remain intact. The alteration of the materials or their use for any other purpose shall be an infringement of the copyright and proprietary rights of Cabana Libre. In this connection, there shall be no using these materials on any other website and in any other networked computing environment.

Copyright policy

We will withdraw the rights of any website user who uses this Site to unlawfully transmit copyrighted material without a license, express consent, valid defense or fair use exemption to do so. In particular, users who submit Content to this Site, whether articles, images, stories, software or other copyrightable material, must ensure that the Content they upload does not infringe the copyrights or other rights of third parties (such as privacy or public rights). After proper notification by the copyright holder or its agent to us, and confirmation through court order or admission by the user that they have used this Site as an instrument of unlawful infringement, we will terminate the infringing users' rights to use and/or access this Site. We may, also in our sole discretion, decide to terminate a user's rights to use or access the Site prior to that time if we believe that the alleged infringement has occurred.

Prohibited content

You agree to use our Site services and content in accordance with the Law and general terms and conditions of the services offered by Cabana Libre from time to time, and shall refrain from using them to:

Disclose your username and your password to unauthorised third parties, and you must immediately notify Cabana Libre of access by an authorised user to that information.

Upload data programs likely to harm the information systems of Cabana Libre, its suppliers or third parties using the internal network or this Site, or content involving the transmission of “junk mail”, “chain letters”, or unsolicited mass mailing or “spamming”.

Engage in unlawful, fraudulent and/or antisocial activities or activities preventing the proper use of the Site, and of the network or network resources.

Engage in activities constituting an infringement of intellectual property laws or any other applicable provision of law, providing pirate software or links thereto, supplying information to evade factory-installed copy prevention devices, or supply pirated music or links to pirated music files;

Reproduce, duplicate, sell or exploit any Site content for commercial purposes.

Disseminate content that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, advocates terrorism, harasses or advocates harassment of another person and/or is against human rights, that you know is false, misleading or promotes illegal activities or conduct that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or libellous, provides material that exploits people under the age of 18 in a sexual or violent manner, or solicits personal information from anyone under 18, contains restricted or password only access pages, or hidden pages or images (those not linked to or from another accessible page), provides instructional information about illegal activities such as making or buying illegal weapons, violating someone's privacy, or providing or creating computer viruses, solicits passwords or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other users, and to engage in commercial activities and/or sales without our prior written consent such as contests, sweepstakes, barter, advertising, and pyramid schemes.

When you register at Cabana Libre, you must choose a password. You must keep the usernames and passwords provided for you to access as a registered user safely, because they are of a personal and confidential nature, and you will be responsible for their use by a third party to whom you shall have provided them.

Offline conduct

Although Cabana Libre cannot monitor the conduct of its Users off the Site, it is also a violation of these rules to use any information obtained from this Site in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person, or in order to contact, advertise to, solicit or sell to any User without their prior explicit consent.

No commercial use

No area of this Site may be used by our visitors for any commercial purposes such as to conduct sales of tickets, merchandise or services of any kind (except that you may use Cabana Libre to resell tickets where it is lawful to do so). You must obtain our prior written consent to make commercial offers of any kind, whether by advertising, solicitations, links, or any other form of communication, except that you may post tickets for resale through Cabana Libre to the extent you are doing so legally.

Without limiting the foregoing, you may not use this Site to resell or link to other sites for the purpose of selling tickets of any kind, except that you may resell tickets through Cabana Libre, to the extent you are doing so legally. We will investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who breaches this provision, including, without limitation, removing the offending communication from the Site and barring anyone breaching this provision from use of the Site. We reserve the right to block access to this Site or Cabana Libre's other services, or to cancel a ticket order or ticket with respect to any person who is known or reasonably believed to be:

acting unlawfully, or breaching these Terms, or infringing Cabana Libre's rights, or utilizing automated means to process or place ticket orders, or whose ticket order exceeds the stated limit. associated with any person who is known or reasonably believed to be acting unlawfully, or breaching these Terms, or infringing Cabana Libre's rights, or utilizing automated means to process or place ticket orders, or whose ticket order exceeds the stated limit. Exceeding any limitations or breaching any terms on the Site will be deemed to be a breach of these Terms.

Access and interference

You agree that you will not use any robot or other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy our web pages or the content contained thereon or for any other unauthorized purpose without our prior express written permission. You agree that you will not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Cabana Libre website. You agree that you will not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. You agree that you will not copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, or publicly display any content (except for your own personal, non-commercial use) from our website without the prior express written permission of Cabana Libre.

Unauthorized use of the site

Illegal and/or unauthorized uses of the Site, including, but not limited to, unauthorized ticket sales, unauthorized framing of or linking to the Site, or unauthorized use of any robot or other automated device on the site, will be investigated and appropriate legal action will be taken, including without limitation civil, criminal and injunctive redress.

Violation of the terms

You understand and agree that in Cabana Libre's sole discretion, and without prior notice, Cabana Libre may terminate your access to the Site, cancel your ticket order or exercise any other remedy available and remove any unauthorized User Content, if Cabana Libre believes that the User Content you provided has violated or is inconsistent with these Terms of Use, violated the rights of Cabana Libre, another User or the law. You agree that monetary damages may not provide a sufficient remedy to Cabana Libre for violations of these terms and conditions and you consent to injunctive relief for such violations. Cabana Libre may release user information about you if required by law or subpoena. Cabana Libre is not required to provide any refund to you if you are terminated as a User because you have violated these Terms of Use

Limitation on liability

In no event will Cabana Libre be liable to you for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including also lost profits, even if Cabana Libre has been advised of the possibility of such damages, arising as a result of an act of God or force majeure.


This site is controlled and operated by Cabana Libre from its offices in Spain. If there is any dispute about or involving the Site, by using the Site, you agree that the dispute will be governed and construed by Spanish law. In the event of a dispute arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions, or your use of or access to this site, litigation must be brought in court in Barcelona, Spain, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.


You agree to indemnify Cabana Libre, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents and other partners and employees against any loss, liability, claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of the Site, including also your use of the Site to provide a link to another site or to upload content or other information to the Site.

Data security

The ticket sales system uses a secure server and state-of-the-art encryption technology. A secure server guarantees the privacy of the information you provide online. That privacy is achieved by means of the SSL protocol.

What is a secure server? A secure server guarantees the privacy of the information you provide online. That privacy is achieved by means of the SSL protocol, the current security industry standard. Online security is the result of a communication between an SSL-enabled browser and an SSL-enabled server. Any browser version is SSL enabled.

How SSL works? SSL works in a simple way, encrypting the information you submit using RSA encryption when located in a secure area of a browser. Your Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari browser browser, working with the secure server, encrypts the information in such a way that if any individual in the transmission process succeeds in obtaining such information, it may not be read for want of the necessary key.

What is the security certificate? A security certificate is given by a certifying entity: the Certification Authority. This entity issues that certificate after controlling the correct configuration of the encryption process (SSL) and after checking the requesting company's information. The secure server certificate is granted to an entity whose references have been checked, to make sure that whoever receives the encrypted information is indeed the intended recipient.

Secure server All pages requesting personal information (name, address, etc.) and pages with credit card information are secure pages. Even if you cannot see the padlock icon on the lower right-hand side of your browser (because our pages are divided into frames and some of them, such as the frame containing the top banner, are non-secure), you can check the security of our pages by clicking the icon at the top of this page which guarantees server security and the use of a certificate with the highest degree of encryption (128 bits).

How is the security of this server certified? Our SSL server is certified.